Cooking demonstrations in the Bradford House's kitchen cabin and occasional demonstrations in the Meeting House.
On the last Saturday of each month and for several special events, Kate has an authentic program planned, Jorma will assist Kate, and other special guests will make appearances. On-site cooking demonstrations are a great way to portray 18th-century living.
New for 2024, Bryan offered various historic demonstrations at the Meeting House (182 S. Main Street).
2025 Demos for Bradford House Out-Kitchen and Meeting House
All demonstrations take place on Saturdays between the hours of 10am and 4pm. There is no admission charge, but we are a charity and donations are welcome.
April 12th: Happy Birthday Thomas Jefferson! Celebrate the birthday of author, inventor, and 3rd president Thomas Jefferson with some of his favorite and famous recipes! The celebration continues at the Meeting House with a presentation on Jefferson's impact on American archaeology. Bring in your very own fossils and finds to be ID'd by professional archaeologists!
May 31st- The Grand Muster! Its 1775 and Revolution is in the air. George Washington will soon be appointed as the Commander in
Chief of the Continental Army which means only one is time for a Grand Muster! Join fellow reenactors and living historians for a call to arms like no other! Children can muster at 11:00, 1:00, and 3:00 and in the out-kitchen we will be making General Washington's favorite food!!
June 28th- Guns n' Buns. The march towards Revolution continues with our annual firearms display. Come see collections of
Revolutionary War militaria and speak with living historians. And see how some of our favorite foods on buns would have looked in the 18th century!
July 26th- The Founding Foodies. General Washington has taken command of the Continental Army and Revolution has begun! But what fuels the leader of the troops and the Founders of our great nation? Learn all about our founding foodies and how they influence the way we eat today!
August 23rd- Marching Through Time. Join us for a celebration of soldiers throughout history! See living historians, reenactors, and their impressive knowledge and collections of global militaria; and experience the sights and smells of foods on the march.
September 27th- Frontier Professions. From the farmer to the tavern keep, to the market hunter and the blacksmith, these are the people in your frontier neighborhood! Experience the occupations of your friendly frontiersmen!
October (date TBA)- A Colonial Hallowe'en. Wear your favorite costume and come to the out-kitchen for a colonial Hallowe'en celebration like no other! Filled with 18th century tricks, treats, and frightening folklore this will be one Halloween you won't want to miss!
November 29th-Pennsylvania Deutsch Christmas! Join us at our last demonstration of the year as we celebrate Weinachten und Krampusnacht!! We will be making traditional German foods in the out-kitchen as you shop from the artisans in the Bradford. While
Santa and his Mrs. stroll about the town spreading cheer you can have your year judged by Krampus himself!!! Have you been impish or admirable???
The Kitchen Cabin at the Bradford House
175 S. Main Street
Washington, PA 15301