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Applications Are Now Open

Applications Are Now Open

Be a part of this fantastic fun festival. Download the application you need below.

Application Details

Please download the appropriate application and follow the directions outlined in the document. The document includes more information, including what to expect, pricing, and our rules, and regulations.

Things to Know

Food Vendors — Applications due by June 1

This year's festival kicks off Friday night with the Whiskey and Spirits Walk and concludes on Saturday at about 10 pm. Food vendors are needed PRIMARILY for Saturday, July 12, for one day only. However, we may be interested in placing a few vendors on Friday night.

NOTE: There is a limited amount of space for food vendors. WE WILL BE CHOOSY! Factors involved in our decision will include type of food, type/size of rig, ease of set-up/tear-down, placement options, etc. ALL FOOD VENDORS, including previous vendors, MUST submit a 2025 application on time, with a fee, NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you have any questions, email Kathy at

Blue Eagle Tavern

The 2025 Blue Eagle Tavern opens Friday, July 11, around 5 pm. On Saturday, July 12, it opens around 11 am and closes at about 10 pm. Visitors can enjoy various mixed drinks, but no bottles can be purchased.

Enjoy whiskey and beer at the Blue Eagle Tavern and don't pay Alexander Hamilton one cent in tax.

If you have any questions, contact Mike at or call 724.470.8981 (leave a message if there is no answer).

Mercantile Vendors — Applications due by June 1

This year's festival kicks off Friday night with the Whiskey and Spirits Walk and conclude on Saturday at about 10 pm. Mercantile vendors are needed for Saturday, July 12, for one day only, during daylight.

Preference will be given to “period” items, such as those made with techniques or materials generally available during the late 1700s, historical or festival-themed items, or other items that will enhance the reputation of the festival and the mercantile area. ALL MERCANTILE VENDORS, including previous vendors, MUST submit a 2025 application on time, with the fee, NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you have any questions, email Melissa at or call (724) 747-8555 (leave a message if there is no answer).

History & Heritage Groups — Applications due by June 1

The History and Heritage Area will be in the Washington Financial employee parking lot at the intersection of Main Street and Wheeling Street. Setup can begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday and should be completed by noon. The History and Heritage portion of the Festival ends at 6 pm.

You will have a 10'x10' area, one 8' table, and two chairs.

Tents will not be provided, you will need to bring your own. There is no power/electricity. You are welcome to sell items at your table, but no food or beverages.

If you have questions, email Tara at or call (724) 263-6108 (leave a message if there is no answer).

This event is brought to you by the Bradford House Historical Association.